Aim and Scope

Aim and Scope

JMAHS aims to contribute to the advancement and continuous professional development of all medical specialties through the publication of high-quality scientific studies related to contemporary topics in medical sciences and other health-related sciences. The journal also aims to provide scientific basis for evidence-informed clinical practice, medical education, public health, intercultural medicine, and health policies by publishing original articles, systematic reviews, metanalysis, metasynthesis, evidence-based papers, case reports, editorials, discussions, and commentaries.

 The journal welcomes scientific works falling under the broad scope of medical and health disciplines, such as ophthalmology, orthopedics, gynecology, pediatrics, obstetrics, cardiology, radiology, dentistry, pathology, neurology, surgery, gastroenterology, nursing, otolaryngology, psychiatry, physiology, psychology, anesthesiology, dermatology, endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases, internal medicine, rheumatology, urology, venereology, oncology, pulmonology, immunology, nephrology, biotechnology, pharmacy, forensics, ENT, anatomy, physiotherapy, clinical laboratory science, and other related fields.

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